The JOKER Sent Me ANOTHER Puzzle!! - The Arkham Asylum Files (First Look!) - Warning: Spoiler Alert!
Today we're going to be playing through the entire first chapter of the much anticipated Panic in Gotham City: The Arkham Asylum Files! This is a next generation AR Board game which allows you to be a detective in the world of Batman. So much fun! Enjoy!

Arkham Asylum Files 'Mixed Reality Game' Promises an Interactive Batman Experience Like No Other
Infinite Rabbit Holes, creators of the Why So Serious? and Year Zero ARGs, have created a brand-new, mixed reality tabletop gaming experience.

Arkham Asylum Files: Alex Lieu Breaks Down the New Mixed Reality Experience
In an exclusive interview with CBR, Alex Lieu showcases The Arkham Asylum Files, a new DC mixed reality experience that is truly unique and fun.

The Arkham Asylum Files Mixed Reality Board Game
In the epic world of Batman mythology, Arkham Asylum serves as a maximum security prison/revolving door for Gotham's most sinister criminals. It's been a temporary home for a smorgasbord of iconic villains like Penguin, Bane, The Riddler and countless others.

The Arkham Asylum Files Mixed Reality Adventures Game Up On Kickstarter
It's a little bit board game. It's a little bit adventure mystery. It's a little bit escape room. It's a little bit augmented-reality game. It's... a little bit of everything.

Arkham Asylum Files Brings “Why So Serious” Gameplay Home for the Holidays
Two months ago, magician and puzzle enthusiast Chris Ramsay received a chained and padlocked filing cabinet in the mail, along with a letter from Batman’s most infamous villain, the Joker.

The JOKER Sent me a Puzzle Box!! (No Joke)
Today, I am going to attempt to solve this mysterious puzzle left to me by The Joker. No idea what to expect... Enjoy!